Subscription made easy

A good payment solution provides conversions for sales. We've made it easy and affordable to set up subscription products with Vipps and Stripe.
Period Subscription Module Overview

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Period allowed us in a couple of days to set up a monthly subscription for avid sauna goers. Both our annual memberships and monthly passes now go via Periode. We are very pleased!

Ragna Marie Fjeld
General Manager, Oslo Badstuforening

The great advantage of Periode, is that we do not have to spend time on invoicing and not least follow-up of invoices!

Bjornhild Fjeld
Bjørnhild Fjeld

Subscription doesn't have to be expensive

No start-up costs or extra hidden costs.

Customer Service

We always want to provide the best possible customer service. Therefore, we are flexible and respond within a short time if any questions arise.
Simple Setup
We want to make payment as easy as possible for our users.
Statistics and full overview
Get the insight you need to make good decisions and gather up info about their customers.

Subscription module

No hidden extra costs
1.99% + 20$/mth
Payment with Vipps
Member System
Payment with Stripe
Constantly new functionalities
Multi-user access
Full payment overview
Reports and insights
Register user